Sustainable transport
In progress
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Valid from
2023-04-01 |
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Novel preview and control allocation algorithms for vehicle integrated chassis control targeting ride comfort and handling improvement
Transport and Logistics Competence Centre - Marijonas Bogdevičius 2744782 crypt:PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOm1hcmlqb25hcy5ib2dkZXZpY2l1c0B2aWxuaXVzdGVjaC5sdCIgdGl0bGU9Im1hcmlqb25hcy5ib2dkZXZpY2l1c0B2aWxuaXVzdGVjaC5sdCI+bWFyaWpvbmFzLmJvZ2RldmljaXVzQHZpbG5pdXN0ZWNoLmx0PC9hPg==:xx |
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Valid from
2018-01-02 |
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Development of science-intensive methods of engineering the surfaces of a highly loaded wheel-rail contact to ensure the competitiveness, environmental friendliness and energy efficiency of rail transport
Transport and Logistics Competence Centre - Gintautas Bureika 2744805 crypt:PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOmdpbnRhdXRhcy5idXJlaWthQHZndHUubHQiIHRpdGxlPSJnaW50YXV0YXMuYnVyZWlrYUB2Z3R1Lmx0Ij5naW50YXV0YXMuYnVyZWlrYUB2Z3R1Lmx0PC9hPg==:xx |
Valid from
2012-01-01 |
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Best practice factory for freight transport
The BESTFACT objective is to develop, disseminate and enhance the utilisation of best practices and innovations in freight logistics that contribute to meeting European transport policy objectives with regard to competitiveness and environmental impact.
BESTFACT builds up on the work of BESTUFS, PROMIT and BESTLOG and integrates four interrelated areas of the key freight logistics challenges the European Union is confronted with and creates coherence with the key actions of the Freight Logistics Action Plan: urban freight, green corridors and co-modality, transport related environmental issues and eFreight.
BESTFACT will establish a robust and replicable methodology for collecting and processing best practices. Best practice is understood as the combination of three dimensions:
(1) The identification, evaluation and prioritising of relevant business cases.
(2) The credible knowledge management of best practices.
(3) The utilisation and implementation within existing or new industrial realities.
The BESTFACT best practice methodology comprises a three-level approach that includes the setup of a comprehensive best practice inventory for which 160 cases will be analysed providing a general description. 60 in depth surveys will be made including a detailed analysis of the best practice cases. The development of best practices will be addressed in 5 best practice implementation actions stimulating modal shift on company or regional level, co-operation among stakeholders or the introduction of best practices into administrative procedures. Practical best practice handbooks as well as research and policy recommendations addressing new and additional policy tools will be provided. BESTFACT will organise 12 cluster workshops and 3 conferences. Furthermore, a comprehensive knowledge management will be established to enlarge the knowledge basis and simplifying access to best practice. BESTFACT will be a neutral and open platform for any interested party.
Competence Centre of Intermodal Transport and Logistics Plytinės 27 Algirdas Šakalys 2745075 crypt:PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOmFsZ2lyZGFzLnNha2FseXNAdmd0dS5sdCIgdGl0bGU9ImFsZ2lyZGFzLnNha2FseXNAdmd0dS5sdCI+YWxnaXJkYXMuc2FrYWx5c0B2Z3R1Lmx0PC9hPg==:xx |
Valid from
2012-01-01 |
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Project Acronym
e-Maritime Strategic Framework and Simulation based Validation
The objective of e-Maritime is to make maritime transport safer, more secure, more environmentally friendly and more competitive. For this, e-Maritime must ameliorate complexities that hinder networking of different stakeholders, help to increase automation of operational processes particularly compliance management and facilitate the streaming of synthesised information from disparate sources to assist decision making.
The eMar approach will facilitate extensive participation of the European maritime public, business and research community in a knowledge development process leading to the specification of the e-Maritime Strategic Framework. The emphasis will be in multiple iterations across different stages and with different stakeholders.
The development of the e-Maritime Strategic Framework will include the following key aspects:
a. A number of market surveys to be conducted by a leading company in this field to identify business drivers and requirement priorities of different stakeholder groups
b. Stakeholder needs analysis, using knowledge of technology and architectural capabilities from projects such as MarNIS, Freightwise, EFFORTS, Flagship, SKEMA etc to identify new processes and functionalities.
c. Identification of implications for standardization and standardisation strategies for areas that cannot be relied upon being developed in other places.
d. Measures to address legal and organisational inconsistencies at national and regional levels, human factors and change management issues.
e. Interfaces with SafeSeaNet, e-Freight and e-Customs, National Single Windows, Galileo and e-Navigation developments.
f. Cost-benefit analysis for new business models (and corresponding legal changes) relying on e-Maritime services.
Competence Centre of Intermodal Transport and Logistics Plytinės 27 Algirdas Šakalys 2745075 crypt:PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOmFsZ2lyZGFzLnNha2FseXNAdmd0dS5sdCIgdGl0bGU9ImFsZ2lyZGFzLnNha2FseXNAdmd0dS5sdCI+YWxnaXJkYXMuc2FrYWx5c0B2Z3R1Lmx0PC9hPg==:xx |
Valid from
2012-07-05 |
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Creation of system for earth observation by means of unmanned aerial vechicles
Antanas Gustaitis' Aviation Institute Rodūnios kelias 30 Darius Rudinskas |
Valid from
2012-09-13 |
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BSR TransGovernance
BSR TransGovernance - MGL support to the implementation of PA 11 in the EU Baltic Sea Strategy
PA Transport of the EUSBSR calls for coordination of national transport policies and actions to ensure a harmonised transnational development of the transport system. The ensured thematic focus and established links between the above initiatives helped achieve certain stage of coordination and complementarity. However, fuller integration of the approaches, which would enable better development and alignment of transport policies at various governance tiers, faces a number of challenges.
The project objective is to demonstrate how multi-level governance models, tools and approaches can contribute to a better alignment of transport policies in the BSR at various administrative levels and better incorporation of the business perspective. This is expected to increase commitment of public and private stakeholders to achieving greener and more efficient transport in the Baltic Sea Region, in line with PA 11 of the EU Baltic Sea Strategy. The project will place particular focus on developing
and testing joint planning and implementation frameworks for transport policies at such reference scales, which have witnessed a long process of cooperation across the national borders with involvement of public/private stakeholders, and/or which have gathered a vast evidence for MLG actions. These are: MACRO (overall BSR area), MESO (cross-border integration areas), CORRIDOR (transnational multimodal transport corridors) and MICRO (intermodal terminals).
In specific real conditions at those reference scales the project will run a few demonstration showcases. Through the so called stakeholder management process the project will engage relevant public and private actors to jointly develop:
• sustainable implementation and management frameworks for macroregional and cross-border strategies, programmes and action plans (WP3) – and test them on the case how to streamline the results of the BTO and TransBaltic, and use them in the national and regional transport planning processes (MACRO)
and how to secure durability of joint strategic transport processes in the Öresund region and Helsinki-Tallinn area (MESO);
• MLG models for the planning and operation stages of intermodal terminals (WP4) – and test them on five differentiated cases in the BSR (MICRO);
• operational MLG model for better freight management in a transnational transport connecting EU with non-EU countries (WP5) – and test them on the case of the East West Transport Corridor (CORRIDOR);
• operational MLG model supporting the transformation of a multimodal transport corridor into a regional development axis (WP6) – and test them on the case of the Scandria Corridor (CORRIDOR).
The project has a strong triple-helix partnership from all BSR EU Member States and all vertical governance levels. It is supported by PA 11 Coordinators, national transport ministries and several other actors, which will be engaged as reference partners.
Department of Transport Management Plytinės g. 27 Ramūnas Palšaitis 2744779 crypt:PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOnJhbXVuYXMucGFsc2FpdGlzQHZndHUubHQiIHRpdGxlPSJyYW11bmFzLnBhbHNhaXRpc0B2Z3R1Lmx0Ij5yYW11bmFzLnBhbHNhaXRpc0B2Z3R1Lmx0PC9hPg==:xx |
Valid from
2010-09-11 |
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Project Acronym
Rail Baltic Growth Corridor
Competence Centre of Intermodal Transport and Logistics Plytinės 27 Laima Greičiūnė 2512470 crypt:PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOmxhaW1hLmdyZWljaXVuZUB2Z3R1Lmx0IiB0aXRsZT0ibGFpbWEuZ3JlaWNpdW5lQHZndHUubHQiPmxhaW1hLmdyZWljaXVuZUB2Z3R1Lmx0PC9hPg==:xx |
Valid from
2011-06-01 |
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Project Acronym
Carbon Footprint of Freight Transport
COFRET's main objective is to develop and test a methodology and framework for the accurate calculation of carbon emissions in the context of supply chains. COFRET provides for a methodology to calculate and monitor carbon emissions based on their component CO2-emissions and if applicable further GHG gases such as CH4 and N2O as well as so- called F-gases deriving from cooling processes. This comprises the consideration of the user needs and requirements of different stakeholders, such as producers, shippers, wholesalers and political bodies. COFRET is based on existing emission calculation tools in use by its stakeholder already.
It will take into consideration the continuous development in the calculation of carbon footprints triggered by the discussion of climate change, targeted and agreed CO2 emission reduction-levels for the transport sector as well as new technical solutions for efficient vehicles. In a first step, COFRET will assess and validate user needs in regards to the calculation of emission calculation tools of supply chains. Parallel, COFRET will assess existing methods, tools and data for calculation of carbon emissions as used already and a taxonomy for emission calculation-tools will be developed. Based on the identified user needs and the taxonomy of the existing calculation tools, a methodology and framework will be developed.
This COFRET-methodology will allow closing the identified gaps currently impeding the calculation of emissions along supply chains. Furthermore, it will include functional elements of supply chains with all their possible components including transhipment processes, storage and picking of shipments and cooling processes.
The COFRET-methodology will consider all transportation modes, ranging from road to rail, inland to deep water shipping as well as air freight transport. It will be combined with a comprehensive set of supply chain parameters within a database.
Transport Research Institute Plytinės 37. 110 kab. Andrius Jaržemskis 852370695 crypt:PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOmFuZHJpdXMuamFyemVtc2tpc0B2Z3R1Lmx0IiB0aXRsZT0iYW5kcml1cy5qYXJ6ZW1za2lzQHZndHUubHQiPmFuZHJpdXMuamFyemVtc2tpc0B2Z3R1Lmx0PC9hPg==:xx |
Valid from
2010-01-01 |
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Project Acronym
Connecting Long and Short-distance Networks for Efficient Transport
Transport Research Institute Plytinės 27 Andrius Jaržemskis 852370695 crypt:PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOmFuZHJpdXMuamFyemVtc2tpc0B2Z3R1Lmx0IiB0aXRsZT0iYW5kcml1cy5qYXJ6ZW1za2lzQHZndHUubHQiPmFuZHJpdXMuamFyemVtc2tpc0B2Z3R1Lmx0PC9hPg==:xx |
Valid from
2009-10-09 |
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Project Acronym
Connecting Authorities for Safer Heavy Goods traffic in the Baltic Sea Region
Department of Transport Management Plytinės g. 27 Ramūnas Palšaitis 2744779 crypt:PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOnJhbXVuYXMucGFsc2FpdGlzQHZndHUubHQiIHRpdGxlPSJyYW11bmFzLnBhbHNhaXRpc0B2Z3R1Lmx0Ij5yYW11bmFzLnBhbHNhaXRpc0B2Z3R1Lmx0PC9hPg==:xx |
Valid from
2009-10-01 |
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Project Acronym
TransBaltic-Towards an integrated transport system in the Baltic Sea Region
Department of Transport Management Plytinės g. 27 Ramūnas Palšaitis 2744779 crypt:PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOnJhbXVuYXMucGFsc2FpdGlzQHZndHUubHQiIHRpdGxlPSJyYW11bmFzLnBhbHNhaXRpc0B2Z3R1Lmx0Ij5yYW11bmFzLnBhbHNhaXRpc0B2Z3R1Lmx0PC9hPg==:xx |
Valid from
2009-06-21 |
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Project Acronym
East West transport Corridor II - a green corridor concept within the Northern Transport Axis approach
Competence Centre of Intermodal Transport and Logistics Plytinės 27 Vladas Stūrys |
Valid from
2010-01-01 |
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Project Acronym
Support for Realising New Member and Associate States' potentials in Transport Research
Transport Research Institute Plytinės 27 Andrius Jaržemskis 852370695 crypt:PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOmFuZHJpdXMuamFyemVtc2tpc0B2Z3R1Lmx0IiB0aXRsZT0iYW5kcml1cy5qYXJ6ZW1za2lzQHZndHUubHQiPmFuZHJpdXMuamFyemVtc2tpc0B2Z3R1Lmx0PC9hPg==:xx |
Valid from
2009-09-01 |
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Project Acronym
Baltic-to-Balkan Network for Logistics Competence
Competence Centre of Intermodal Transport and Logistics Plytinės 27 Algirdas Šakalys 2745075 crypt:PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOmFsZ2lyZGFzLnNha2FseXNAdmd0dS5sdCIgdGl0bGU9ImFsZ2lyZGFzLnNha2FseXNAdmd0dS5sdCI+YWxnaXJkYXMuc2FrYWx5c0B2Z3R1Lmx0PC9hPg==:xx |
Valid from
2008-09-01 |
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Project Acronym
Benchmarking logistics and co-modality
Efficient use of transport modes and resources requires understanding the options and alternatives and being able to make the right logistics choices. Benchmarking is an instrument which can help to answer this question. Differences in the performance of various modes within the transport sector of a given country, and between the transport systems of different countries, imply that there is a significant potential for improvement.
Ongoing technological advances and changes in economic and institutional approaches ensure that this potential is constantly evolving. The transportation sector is influenced and moulded by ongoing economic, environmental and political (usually in the form of public finances) pressures to realise its potential for improvement. BE LOGIC project vision In our opinion, the major improvement potential in logistics performance is among small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), including shippers with relative small transport volumes. Therefore, the focus in BE LOGIC lies on applying the logistics benchmark methodology on SME's.
Key objectives of BE LOGIC
- Improve the efficiency within and across different modes of transport
- Support the development of a quality logistics system
Derived objectives and research questions:
- Develop a methodology to assess transport logistics performance in quantitative terms at different levels in Europe and globally
- Applying the benchmark methodology to assess logistics and intermodal policies of Member States and other countries - and to assess transport logistics choices and performance from shippers/LSP - and to assess transport logistics performance from transshipment points
- Examine existing quality standards (e.g. ISO, CEN) for transport logistics
- Consider the need for new quality standards for transport logistics
Our approach includes 3 viewpoints:
- Viewpoint from the policy maker
- Viewpoint from transport chains
- Viewpont from transhipment points
Competence Centre of Intermodal Transport and Logistics Plytinės 27 Algirdas Šakalys 2745075 crypt:PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOmFsZ2lyZGFzLnNha2FseXNAdmd0dS5sdCIgdGl0bGU9ImFsZ2lyZGFzLnNha2FseXNAdmd0dS5sdCI+YWxnaXJkYXMuc2FrYWx5c0B2Z3R1Lmx0PC9hPg==:xx |
Valid from
2010-01-01 |
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Project Acronym
Initiation of a Transnational Baltic Sea Region Cluster for Actine Ageing
Department of Urban Design Pylimo g. 26/1 Gintaras Stauskis 852370564 crypt:PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOmdpbnRhcmFzLnN0YXVza2lzQHZndHUubHQiIHRpdGxlPSJnaW50YXJhcy5zdGF1c2tpc0B2Z3R1Lmx0Ij5naW50YXJhcy5zdGF1c2tpc0B2Z3R1Lmx0PC9hPg==:xx |
Valid from
2006-09-01 |
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Project Acronym
Best Urban Freight Transport Solutions
Competence Centre of Intermodal Transport and Logistics Plytinės 27 Algirdas Šakalys 2745075 crypt:PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOmFsZ2lyZGFzLnNha2FseXNAdmd0dS5sdCIgdGl0bGU9ImFsZ2lyZGFzLnNha2FseXNAdmd0dS5sdCI+YWxnaXJkYXMuc2FrYWx5c0B2Z3R1Lmx0PC9hPg==:xx |
Valid from
2008-01-01 |
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Project Acronym
Study on the Feasibility of Extending the Activities of Mode-specific Promotion Centre in Europe to Encompass the Wider Concept of Intermodal Transport
Competence Centre of Intermodal Transport and Logistics Plytinės 27 Algirdas Šakalys 2745075 crypt:PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOmFsZ2lyZGFzLnNha2FseXNAdmd0dS5sdCIgdGl0bGU9ImFsZ2lyZGFzLnNha2FseXNAdmd0dS5sdCI+YWxnaXJkYXMuc2FrYWx5c0B2Z3R1Lmx0PC9hPg==:xx |
Valid from
2006-01-12 |
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Project Acronym
European Rail Research
Faculty of Transport Engineering J. Basanavičiaus g. 28B, 5-201 kab. Leonas Povilas Lingaitis 2744801 crypt:PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOmxlb25hcy5saW5nYWl0aXNAdmd0dS5sdCIgdGl0bGU9Imxlb25hcy5saW5nYWl0aXNAdmd0dS5sdCI+bGVvbmFzLmxpbmdhaXRpc0B2Z3R1Lmx0PC9hPg==:xx |
- Page administrators:
- Jelena Kabulova
- Jurgita Kunigonienė
- Daiva Versekėnienė
- Jelena Kabulova
- Jurgita Kunigonienė
- Daiva Versekėnienė
- Ugnė Daraškevičiūtė
- Monika Daukintytė