
ESRI and AGILE sponsor grants for students to attend the AGILE 2022 conference, covering the registration fee.
Those interested in the programme, please send an email to crypt:PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOiUyMGZyZWR0b3BwZW5AZ21haWwuY29tP3N1YmplY3Q9QUdJTEUlMjAyMDIwJTIwLSUyMEFwcGxpY2F0aW9uJTIwZm9yJTIwR3JhbnQiPkZyZWQgVG9wcGVuPC9hPg==:xx, having as subject "AGILE 2022 Grant" and include the following information:
- Full name (surname in UPPER CASE);
- Institution full address;
- Full personal contact details including email address, telephone and fax number;
- Gender (male/female);
- Professional status (PhD-student, MSc-student, etc.);
- If you are an AGILE 2022 conference paper/poster (co-)author;
- A ONE-PAGE letter of interest highlighting the impossibility of getting (sufficient) funding from other sources, and the importance of the applicant attending the AGILE 2022 conference, explaining how attendance is critical to the development of their research. Please send this “One-Page letter” in Word format.
The deadline to apply for grants is 4th May 2022. Results of the selection process communicated by email on the 12th May 2022.
- Page administrators:
- Marius Petniūnas
- Ugnė Daraškevičiūtė
- Jelena Kabulova
- Daiva Versekėnienė