Išmanių ir klimatui neutralių kompetencijų centras
Išmanių ir klimatui neutralių kompetencijų centro naujienos
Seminaras - diskusija: Įmonių socialinio verslumo plėtojimo modeliai: iššūkiai ir problemos

Seminaras - diskusija: Įmonių socialinio verslumo plėtojimo modeliai: iššūkiai ir problemos
Kviečiame dalyvauti atvirame seminare-diskusijoje apie įmonių socialinio verslumo plėtojimo modelius anglų kalba.
The registration page for the:
- 1st for the IBM/Stop the Traffik webinar on Thursday 10th at 1:30 Irish Time and 3:30pm Lithuania time.
Click this link to register:
- 2nd Webinar on Thursday 10th at 2:30 Irish Time and 4:30pm Lithuania time with the following 3 presenters. Click this link to register:
o Juste Rakstyte-Hoiman, on Social innovations and Lithuanian smart specialization,
o Hans Bergsma, who will introduce us to: Enabling entrepreneurs in the region (North Netherlands) to become more socially engaged and sustainable and
o Augustas Aleši8nas, CEO ART21 Ltd. on Agri food innovations – for sustainability and social societal responsibility
The registration page for the:
- 1st for the IBM/Stop the Traffik webinar on Thursday 10th at 1:30 Irish Time and 3:30pm Lithuania time.
Click this link to register:
- 2nd Webinar on Thursday 10th at 2:30 Irish Time and 4:30pm Lithuania time with the following 3 presenters. Click this link to register:
o Juste Rakstyte-Hoiman, on Social innovations and Lithuanian smart specialization,
o Hans Bergsma, who will introduce us to: Enabling entrepreneurs in the region (North Netherlands) to become more socially engaged and sustainable and
o Augustas Aleši8nas, CEO ART21 Ltd. on Agri food innovations – for sustainability and social societal responsibility
15:30-16:20 |
John McGrath Senior Solution Architect IBM Tech4Good and Neil Giles CEO - Traffik Analysis Hub (TAH) "Fireside chat" on the "Traffik Analysis Hub" - exploring this CSE project |